Foster Care
We create temporary, safe, stable, and nurturing foster homes. Our foster care team promotes permanency and the development of strong connections with families, peers and local communities while providing services in the least restrictive environment. Alternatively, we provide adoption support services to pre-adoptive families when reunification is not possible and long-term care is a goal.
Therapeutic and Specialized Foster Care Services are provided to youth with complex medical and/or behavioral needs utilizing a strength-based, holistic, and multi-disciplinary approach that is grounded in evidenced-based practices. Evidenced-based practices include Trauma informed Care, Positive Behavior Support, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing. Wraparound services such as in-home counseling, behavior support, individual and family therapy, case management, and independent living skill development are available to youth in our foster care programs.
We believe a trauma informed care approach is vital to help youth rebuild confidence and develop control in their life. Our experienced clinicians are trained to recognize the causes, signs, symptoms, and consequences of trauma as well as when to properly intervene and determine the most efficient therapeutic treatment.
Our foster care providers help youth develop community connections, natural supports, independent living, and vocational skills. Activities may include but are not limited to support with activities of daily living, increasing a youth’s level of independence, assisting youth in developing positive coping skills, assisting families in managing challenging behaviors within the home and working towards individualized goals that will enrich their lives.
Pro-active crisis support services are offered to all youth referred to our program. All youth and foster care providers will have access to our Clinical Response Team and urgent response line available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.